
University Dental College, a project of Dental & Medical Community Services and Research Foundation, is a prestigious institution for dental education and health services in Bangladesh. Since commencement in 1995, the institution has been managed and run by highly qualified and skilled faculty members who take imparting of knowledge and skills more as a mission than a profession. The high standard of teaching has already attracted many students to this institution and the management takes special care to ensure that the highest quality is maintained at any cost. The authority always strives to upgrade the teaching methods employed. The year-round presence of visiting and honorary faculty members amply exemplifies the efforts. The courses offered by the College are compatible with those offered by international institutions.

The day to day affairs of the institution is closely monitored by the Director and Governing Body members. The authorities keep themselves informed of the needs of the students and take immediate measures to attend to any requirements.

University Dental College promises high education standards in a friendly and welcoming environment. The institution molds the students to not only become efficient dental professionals but to also be quality human beings.

 Approved by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC)

Affiliated with University of Dhaka,Bangladesh
Year of Establishment 1995
Medium of Education English

About UDC

Welcome to University Dental College. University Dental College, a project of Dental & Medical Community Services and Research Foundation, is a prestigious institution for dental education and health services in Bangladesh.

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Why Choose UDC?

  • UDC is conveniently located at the heart of Dhaka city with our own campus
  • A highly experienced teaching faculty, holding the highest degree in their field of study, closely mentors students leading to placements on the national merit list.
  • Our rich and diverse curriculum attracts international students from Nepal, Bhutan, UAE, Iran and Indian among others. At present, there are BO foreign students at UDC
  • Since establishment in 1995, 775 students have graduated with a B.D.S degree from this institution and have succeeded in the dental profession both at home and abroad.
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